Friday, January 28, 2011

Washing lines

Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that washing is changing and not necessarily for the better.
Washing machines: top loaders can be reached easier unless you're in a wheelchair, or a dwarf. Front leaders are more economical, but harder to reach. Let's face it, I just don't want to buy a new machine until the may tag breaks down and let's face it, if those things survive for years in a laundromat, then ours'll be around for a while.
Dryers; our daughter (miss 23) used our dryer so often that when it broke down we just left it there. It's still there 3 years later, I've been thinking we should just sneak a new one in lately, see if she notices.
Fun facts: we live in Qld, so you can see us needing it a lot, can't you! Dryers when the lint filter isnt cleaned can cause house fires.
Washing lines; the hills hoist (we have one) is slowly going, to be replaced with those obnoxious wall lines. Who can hang out the clothes from an overstuffed machine on one of those? You also can't put the clothes in segments (ie, a segment for each person) and we all know that they're merely a space saver for those that live on a plot of land the size of a handkerchief. Besides, I love ranting about my family and their various sins at the clothes line (same as I tend to cry when by myself in the car). Some inner city flats (or apartments as they call them these days) don't even have a clothes line, thus the use of the dryer. Ever heard of an airer peoples? We have a big one that's replaced our dryer in the last 3 years and really it's great, although now miss 23 and Mstr 20 use it instead of walking out all the way to the clothes line. Sigh, at least it doesn't cost me money.

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