Saturday, January 8, 2011

Open mouth, insert foot.

This is something I have, at times excelled in, both at work and in my personal life. In my personal life, the worst in recent memory was when I told a friend of mine, via text, that I didn't like sloppy, sentimental chain text messages. In return she told me that her grandchild had died in utero at term....garrh! Needless to say she didn't take the call when I rang to apologise, profusely, even though I didn't know anything about it. I'm still not fond of that type of text message, or email.
At work, however, we are expected to not give our personal opinions, no matter what bizarre or unreasonable shit we hear of our patients/clients doing. Sometimes. it just slips out.
Examples: (yeah, yeah I know, confidentiality, well I'll keep that) After an arguement with a patient (with a personality disorder) who was driving me mad, particularly about mobile phones I told him that I didn't believe he even had one. Well he waved it at me when his partner brought it in and I said "well, they'll give one to anyone these days won't they?" It was the nineties and a lot harder to get one then, but all in all perhaps I just should've walked out the room.

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