Monday, January 10, 2011


This is about the mess my kids used to make when they were young and I was a single parent. I have no idea why they did this. My oldest went through a brief stage of sleeping in and then it all went to shit. I broke with her father, had another baby, started university and moved house all in no particular order and in a very short space of time. It was some time after my son reached toddler hood that the zenith of the messes occurred. They both used to get up appallingly early. One time my oldest put the tv on at about 4 o'clock. Damn me for teaching her how to do it. Anywho, we went through a "fun" phase where I would get up survey the damage and scream. Examples include:
Liquid paper on the stereo; yes the buttons on the tape deck etc were painted, circles in the appropriate spots were painted on the speakers.
Sultanas on the lounge room floor; my then boyfriend (now husband) brought over a shopping bog full of sultanas from his mother, after a visit to Berri, as one does....
"Cakes" on the lounge room floor;I took a long time to get over this one. You see there were 2 bowls, flour, sugar, salt, eggs and milk, 2 children (small) and 1 teddy (large). Their aim at the bowls was somewhat haphazard and apparently teddy had smeared the "cakes" all over his fur which had to be trimmed, after I spent about 3 hours cleaning the muck off the carpet. I then forcibly jammed teddy in the washing machine for about 3 cycles and had to get the carpet cleaned....oh the trauma.
As a post script, my son after seeing his sister's fine example (see above) decided to make "cakes" in the kitchen. I was so grateful that no carpet, soft furnishings or toys were involved that I kissed him and took a photo for posterity.
Fortunately misses 10 and 7 haven't been so inspired. The worst has been getting up early.

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