Sunday, January 16, 2011


This is not an anti or pro drugs post, cos I really don't know where I sit on this.
when I was young I loved them (drug pig). I admit to taking everything. The only reason I have never taken ecstasy (or other party drugs) is because I was past the whole nightclub thing, what with working, raising a family and saving for a house etc. Sadly, a lot don't worry about such things, so I guess I grew out of it. My list of pros and cons of illegal drugs.
Marijuana; excellent for pain (can kill headache like nothing else), stimulates appetite, reduces nausea, helps you fall asleep, der. Also makes Pink Floyd sound better... I think it should be available on script for those undergoing treatment for cancer, or in chronic, unbelievable pain. Downside is I've seen someone go psychotic on it. It's stored in fat and therefore slow to get out of your system, so can build up to toxic levels (for your brain) with chronic use. Loss of motivation, lung cancer (smoking).
Speed; (my old favorite) weight loss, class of drugs used for ADD etc (dex not meth amphetamines though). Sleep loss, appetite supressor, people can become very aggressive on it, speed pimples (though sweat), bad teeth (though dryness of mouth and teeth grinding), heart palpitations.
Cocaine; see above, but is also anaesthetic, so overdose can depress your respiratory drive, but is good local anesthetic.
Heroin; pain relief (medicinal heroin is actually not liver toxic and non addictive as long as there is actually pain). Nausea (can really make you chuck...a lot), overdose can depress respiratory drive, risk of addiction. Through association with junkies both personally (years ago and through my work), I find I can't stand being around them for too long without feeling really violent
echoes; see speed. Risk of death through brain swelling. Tip, if you must take E's have frequent sips of water and a big bag of chips thoughout the night. It will help replace the salt and fluid you lose through sweating and dancing. By the way, phat pants and fluffies suck.
I know there are a myriad of other illegal drugs (ghb, pcp etc) but I'm not a frigging medical dictionary you know, so I'm not going to mention them.
It is possible to get over a drug addiction, hard but possible. I personally faced my demons when I had the dilemma as a student of; I've been left alone to dispose of this pethidine (synthetic morphine) by myself, do I take it home or not??? Ultimately I decided that if I was going to start that shit, I may as well quit the course now and be done with it. Luckily, I had never been arrested for drugs, so registration as a nurse was not a problem for me. I don't think we're winning the war on drugs. That phrase actually makes me snigger. I don't think smack should be available at the local bottle-o (for example) either. It should be somewhere in between I think. What does everyone else think??


  1. I think the goods and bads of each actual drug need to be trotted out to kids when they can be influenced the most. I mean, some of those scared the shit out of me.

  2. Feel free to use this. I actuallyresearched this properly as well as personally.
