Saturday, May 14, 2011


I type this as I sit and watch one of the dreadful (yet compelling) new moon films.
My fascination with vampire stories started when I first read Brampton Stokers Dracula at age 14. I was too scared to have a hot shower for months, as in the book Count Dracula would often appear in a fog/mist. I believe I even searched for garlic cloves to wear round my neck.
Since then I've of course read many more vampire books and seen many vampire films. I think that my husband is slightly more vampire (supernatural) obsessed than I am.
Apparently legends of vampire like creatures have existed since ancient times, but gained in popularity and have become more like they are today since the 1700s. Some ways to ward off vampires included a branch of wild rose or hawthorn. In some cases a lemon in the mouth of a vampire was said to be harmful to them. Go figure. Vladimir the impaler was a count/prince in medieval eastern Europe. His surname was drakula/drakulic, apparently a common surname in those parts. Apparently he was fond of impaling and torturing the people of his land to keep order. He had quite a fearsome reputation. It's believed that Bram Stoker used him as inspiration for the part of count Dracula.
I quickly checked out which vampire books we have. It's a bit sad
Bram Stoker, Drqcula
Anne Rice, Interview with the vampire (and ALL of the rest). My husband loves them
Charlein Harris, dead until dawn (and ALL the rest). I'm actually responsible for them.
Stephanie Meyer, Twilight (and all the rest). This time I'm blaming my sons ex girlfriend for those.
Stephen King, the lost boys.
Sergei lukyanenko, night watch (I have yet to get day watch & twilight watch).
I'm sure theres more, but surely thatsenough.
We're even worse when it comes to DVDs.
The twilight series (sad aren't we).
Van Helsing
Interview with the vampire
I am legend
The blade series
The underworld series.
Hmmm, bit sad aren't we. To think, I haven't even gotten on to the werewolf/wizard/magic books or films that we have.

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